Some miscellaneous stuff: 

One Nice Thing Today (a daily suggestion, via Instagram, featuring one nice thing you can do today)

I’ve started posting an occasional YouTube video over here.

McSweeney’s (Humor pieces & comics)

Etsy (Downloadable greeting cards for sale)

Animals Got Problems (New comics posted three times a week ... also available on Instagram)

MerryMakers has created a Good Egg & Bad Seed two-sided doll!

Microcosm sells our Animals Got Problems mini books

Waterville (Comics)

The Rumpus (Interviews I’ve conducted) 

Open Letters (Comics) 

BuzzFeed (Interviews I’ve conducted)

A short film I wrote, based on my original McSweeney's piece 

A book trailer I helped make for The Bad Seed

A book trailer I helped conceptualize for The Good Egg

A book trailer for The Cool Bean

A book trailer I wrote for Goodnight Already!

A book trailer I helped make for I Will Chomp You!

A book trailer I wrote for I Love You Already! 

A book trailer I helped make for Quit Calling Me a Monster!

A promo video that Random House made for Giraffe Problems

I have a humor piece in The Best of McSweeney's Internet Tendency

I have a humor piece in Keep Scrolling Till You Feel Something (a McSweeney’s compilation)


All my friends are dead gift tags (Click the link for six cut-and-fold tags in a PDF)

Twitter (I was on Twitter for a while. Then I quit. Now I’m back. But I’ll probably quit again.)

Some of my other books that wouldn’t fit on the front page because there are space limitations. True story.


I Miss You, Barack Obama (Book of 44 postcards)


I Love You Already!


I Will Chomp You!


Pirate’s Log

A Handbook For Aspiring Swashbucklers


All my friends are still dead. (Humor book)


K is for Knifeball (Humor book)